General Assembly


About General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) is the gathering of local churches through their delegates, pastors, and guests from all our Conference churches. The GA is the highest governing body of the OMS Holiness Church of North America and commits to serving the heart and will of God for our Conference in matters great and small.

The next General Assembly will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, with general sessions from Friday, September 5 to Saturday, September 6, 2025. The OMB, HSC, and CAO will also meet on Thursday, September 4, 2025.

Additional information including registration, lodging, transportation, and other logistics will be available shortly.


If you will fly to this year’s GA, please book your flights first. Suggested flights for mainland will be available here.

Please remember all individuals, regardless of their roles at GA, should register. This includes guests and children who will not attend sessions but require a ride to or from the airport or will be joining us for meals.

If you’re staying at the conference-approved hotel, a link to the hotel’s website will be provided upon completion of GA registration.



All mainland guests will stay at the Ala Moana hotel, where the conference has secured group rates. Additional information on lodging and reservations will be available shortly.



Mainland Guests

Suggested flights for mainland guests will be available shortly.


  • Mainland delegates and active OMB members are reimbursed for airfare. Specific reimbursement guidelines will be finalized in the coming weeks.

  • Mainland delegates and OMB members are reimbursed for lodging at Ala Moana hotel only. The lodging reimbursement policy will be finalized in the coming weeks.

Reimbursements for 2025 General Assembly

The reimbursement for delegates and active OMB members is shared by the conference (two-thirds of the cost) and the local church (one-third of the cost).


Reimbursement Information for Church Treasurers

  • Pastors and delegates should be reimbursed 100% by the local church. After all attendees have been reimbursed, the Church Treasurer should submit one reimbursement on behalf of the church/department, with supporting receipts, to the Conference Treasurer, who will reimburse the church two-thirds of the cost.

  • Retired pastors, widows, and HSC/CAO should submit reimbursement requests directly to the Conference Treasurer.

  • Reimbursement requests must be submitted to the Conference Treasurer no later than Wednesday, November 5, 2025.